~Steam Links~
Robert E. Wilhelm's 1918 Model 735B 7-passenger Touring Stanley Steam Car - an excellent research and restoration expose' on the 735 and The Stanley Motor Carriage Co.
What is a Stanley Steamer? - excellent website showing a basic working relationship of the major systems of a 1918 735 condensing car
Stanley Production Specifications 1901-1927
White Steam Automobiles - a new site for White Steamers
Steamer Parts/Services
www.automotiverubberparts.com |
Hello John,I live in Olds,Alberta
Canada.Beautiful country here.
The Stanley Steamer rubber parts I worked on was a 1910 model.When I was restoring the parts I never had the car in front of me.It was a request that a customer had made that he needed runningboard mats, made with the stanley emblem on it..that usually is the procedure, I never get to see the cars!Just the parts.Thats why your site is just the cats meow!!ha! I have been trying to find out the name of that customer for about 4 years as all previous business records have been placed with a trustee!From my previous employer.And there was only one Stanley Steamer job.Too bad.I'd like to help restorers and make their mats for their steamers.Thats why I started this small business.
I dont know if you had a chance to
see my site yet.It's a continuous work in progress though.But
basically yeah I can remanufacture any rubber part or runningboards
that you can't buy anymore.It is a lot of work but I feel honoured
to have taken part in helping restore a piece of history!
The parts that I can make, you cant
buy at a supplier anymore because they are discontinued.Thats the
service I offer.I just hope I can be of service to restorers!
Click link above for info
John Goold Vintage Steam Restorations Ltd.
Camerton, Bath. BA2 0PG
Stanley parts, boiler work, engine rebuilding, steam valves etc. John Goold
Phone:00 44 (0)1761 470806
Fax:00 44 (0)1761 470581
Steam Cylinder Oil & Bearing Lubes - Purchase Online - Fall City, WA.
Steam Man Inc. Alan Kelso's Steam Car Parts and Repairs - Pennsylvania
Bourdon Boiler Works - bourdonboiler@aol.com
Steam Products - Fine
Reproductions and Machine Work
Lucas Automotive -
Classic and Vintage Tires - California & Ohio locations
Steam Automobile Club of America - SACA - Great reference books, activities, news, old and newer stuff
Reliable Steam Engine Company - Nice engine castings, boilers, reference, and links
OldTimeTech.com - Jerry Blain makes steam sirens and whistles for steamboats, steam cars, and locomotives
Everything Else
The Virtual Steam Car Museum - Steam car research and resources - Donald Hoke, Dallas, TX.
The New England Model Engineering Society
The Steam Car Club of Great Britain
British Steam Traction, and more
Kew Bridge Steam Museum - London
A Stanley SV project site - Don Hoke
Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society
Steamboatin' in New Zealand Russell
Ward's Romany
Steamboating - for Steamboat owners, builders, and dreamers
Stanley links - from Automotive World Magazine DampfenWankel - Steam Wankel info and great animations by Andy Paterson
Enginion - innovative steam related technology - PDF white paper shortcut
Modern Steam Car Projects - by Peter Brow
Pritchard Steam News - an Automotive Engineering perspective
Steam Products
Fine Reproductions and Machine Work
Mike Brown Steam Engines and Alternative Energy Products
The Steam Boat Association of Great Britain Bulletin Board
Howard Henderson's Model A powered aircraft
Howard Henderson's Geneva Steamer
Howard Henderson builds a Locomobile
CrackPot Inventor - CNC wizard
~ very nice marine engine site
New England Wireless and Steam Museum
Riverboat Cruise
Steam Land Speed Record News
STEAM land Speed Record - The
British Steam Car Challaege
Steam Engine Books ONLINE
Stanley Museum - Kingfield Maine
Cycle Hot Air Engines
Phantom Boats, pop-pop
Archive1 U.C. Berkeley Bancroft Library
Archive2 U.C. Berkeley Bancroft Library
The Steamboat Association of Great Britain
Automotive Facts from 1600 to Present
Steamboat Ed - shop & steam stuff
Harrolds Old
Engine Links lots
of classified links to engines and stuff
Buzz's Boat Yard Toy boats & pop-pops
BayCom Networks- Telephone systems and data networks - this is the day job!
If you know of a good web site relative to Steam Cars and would like to share it..........
email the URL (site address) to John
Woodson at Stanley Steamers ===>